Sous-titre |
Challenges and experiences
Type de document |
Echelle |
Support |
Auteur collectif |
Direction generale de l'amenagement du logement et de la nature
Pagination |
Editeur |
Ministère de l’Écologie, de l’Énergie, du Développement durable et de la Mer
Date d'édition |
juin 2010
Langue |
Fichier |
The Green and Blue Infrastructure, one of the flagship commitments of the French Environment Round Table, is an initiative aimed at maintaining and reconstituting a network of corridors within France so that animal and plant species, like humans, can communicate, circulate, find food, reproduce and rest. In other words, ensure their survival! It is our contribution to maintaining the services that biodiversity delivers to society: water quality, pollination, flood prevention, improving our living environment, etc.