National level

The framework document entitled "National guidelines for preserving and enhancing ecological continuities" ("Orientations nationales pour la préservation et la remise en bon etat des continuités écologiques") outlines the main guidance for the TVB implementation. Government projects must be compatible with this framework document, which sets out national consistency criteria relating to ecological continuities.

Regional level

The TVB is identified at the regional level through the SRCEs, jointly supported by the government (the Prefect) and the regional council. These documents set out the objectives and means of achieving them with regard to preserving and enhancing ecological continuities through a strategic action plan.
SRCEs maps and prioritize ecological continuity issues at the regional level, and propose a framework for actions for preserving and restoring continuities. Plans and programmes developed at the regional level take the SRCEs into account, particularly regarding planning policies (i.e. transport and town planning) and sector-specific policies (e.g. agriculture, forestry, etc.).
It should be noted that in Corsica, the TVB is included in the Corsican sustainable development plan (PADDUC), which takes the place of an SRCE, and in overseas departments, it is the regional development plans (SRAs) that ensure the TVB is established.

Departmental level

The TVB is dealt with at the departmental level through the sensitive natural area (ENS) policy, management of departmental road infrastructure, agricultural land development, water management policies (on a river basin level), and others.

Territory level planning

The TVB initiative is the integrating component for territory projects where complementarity and consistency between the various public policies is sought. This is reflected in the implementation of pilot projects and contractual tools (regional natural parks, inter-municipalities, development and water management plans, etc.).

SCoT level

Coherent Territorial Planning Schemes (SCoT) are urban planning documents that determine a territory project at the level of several municipalities or groups of municipalities. Their purpose is to establish consistency across all sector-specific policies, especially those of the housing, transport, commercial development, environmental and landscape sectors. It is a particularly useful tool in accounting for the TVB.
SCoT must take into account the SRCE of their region and incorporate ecological continuity issues.

Municipal level

Through local urban development plans (PLUs), the municipal level allows operational implementation of the TVB; PLUs can thus define urban planning regulations that are binding on third parties, taking into account the recommendations set out in the SRCEs.

Individual level

The involvement of companies is encouraged when developing their sites and reducing their impact on the environment.
The positive role played by farmers and foresters is taken into account in the maintenance of ecological continuities. It also receives support through agri-environmental and climate measures, as well as Natura 2000 contracts.
Actions of citizens are also encouraged, whether it is in their gardens or through associations promoting biodiversity.


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